Energy and Mobility Transitions

Short Description

This research theme focuses on Energy and Mobility Transitions,  in particular emerging solutions (scientific, technological, social, organisational), emerging (science, technology and innovation) policy and governance.

Research Projects on Energy and Mobility Transitions

Contacts: Prof. Dr. René Kemp and Dr. Serdar Türkeli

Research and Education Integration

Selected Education Projects:


Selected Master Theses:

Savut I.P. (2017). Assessing Sustainability Transitions and Innovations: The Case of Turkey, Unpublished master’s  thesis, UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht University,   Maastricht,   The  Netherlands,   121 pages,  Second Reader: Pui-hang Wong
Van den Bergh, J. (2017). Social Perspectives in Maastricht on the Renewable Energy Transition in the Netherlands: A Q-Methodological Analysis, Unpublished  master’s   thesis, UNU-MERIT/MGSoG  Maastricht  University,   Maastricht,   The  Netherlands,   83  pages,  Second Reader: Pui-hang Wong
Martinova,  S. (2014).  Comparative  Analysis  of Renewable  Energy  Technologies  Development  in South  Africa  and Kenya   through   System  Innovation  Approach:   Exploring   Political,   Economic  and  Institutional   Dimensions,   Unpublished master’s  thesis,  UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht  University, Maastricht,  The  Netherlands,  54  pages,  Second  Reader:  Tobias Broich
Watkins   J.   (2014).   How   has   the   evolution   of   Renewable   Energy   policies   impacted   investment  practices  in  Norway, Germany   and  the UK, and are  current  policies   suitable   and  sustainable   for  continued   Renewable   Energy  deployment? Unpublished  master’s  thesis, UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht University, Maastricht, The  Netherlands,  Supervisor: David van Slyke
Sulake  K.  (2014).  The  achievement  of  Europe  2020  strategy  and  energy  transformation  towards  smart grid:  A system  of innovation perspective, Master Thesis, MSc. Public Policy and Human Development, UNU-MERIT/MGSoG. Supervisor: Thomas Ziesemer
Wunsch, C.   (2014).   Diffusion   of   Renewable   Energy   Technologies    in   Uganda   An   empirical  investigation  of renewable  energy  technology diffusion,  constraints,  and  prospects  in Uganda’s  Central  Region,  Unpublished  master’s  thesis, UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht  University, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 71 pages. Second Reader: René Kemp
Tasker,   A.   (2013). Social   Perspectives   on   Electric   Utility   Transformation    in   Massachusetts,    USA:   A   Q- Methodological  Study. Unpublished Master’s  thesis,  UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 98 pages, Second Reader: René Kemp
Hoeltke J. (2012). The European Union’s Energy Policy – A Challenge to Govern a Complex Transition to Sustainable Energy. Unpublished  master’s thesis, UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht  University,  Maastricht,  The  Netherlands,  110  pages, Second Reader: René Kemp
Teeke T. (2012). Beyond Fukushima : a comparative analysis of Chinese and German nuclear-energy policy in a post-Fukushima world .Unpublished master’s thesis,  UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht  University,  Maastricht,  The  Netherlands,  Second Reader: Serdar Turkeli
Fisser  A.  (2012).   The  Feasibility   of  Implementing   Different   Renewable   Energy  Sources   for  Companies   in  Germany. Unpublished  master’s thesis, UNU-MERIT/MGSoG Maastricht  University,  Maastricht,  The  Netherlands,  Supervisor:  Thomas Ziesemer