The Lab @ UNU-MERIT United Nations University focuses on explorations and experiments in innovation policy and governance research, education and training, knowledge transfer and outreach.
All activities follow an academic excellence, policy relevance and a societal, multi-actor, multiple-value creation and delivery, in short, a societal impact perspective in line with Strategic Plans.
Coordinator: Dr. Serdar Türkeli
Assistant Professor, Lead Comprehensive Innovation for System Transitions and Climate Action
The Lab @ UNU-MERIT United Nations University:
- Prepares research proposals on innovation, innovation policy and governance research, education & training, knowledge transfer & outreach activities with/without other local, national, international parties (e.g. partners, coordinators, consortia) for acquisition of research funding stand-alone or as a part of research themes and groups @ UNU-MERIT | e.g. SWOL, LIOF, Ministries, PBL, NWO, EC Horizon Europe, EC EASME, EU COST, ORA, WUN, ITU.
- Featured projects:
- ERASMUS+ ECOffee project, Link:
- TransB project, Link:
- SYSCHEMIQ project, Link: SYSCHEMIQ City and Learning Labs (Community based engagement programmes)
- Circular Economy Scientific Knowledge Monitoring and Evaluation project: The Lab » Circular Economy Central
Bachelor Level:
- Develops Bachelor’s level courses | UCM 3056 Innovation Systems, Policy, and Sustainability Transitions | UM Sustainability Minor – Sustainability Project
- Supervises and host Bachelor’s level theses
- Designs Bachelor’s level cross-faculty education and research projects | UM EDLAB Honours+ | UM EDLAB Premium | UCM MARBLE
- Provides Bachelor’s level local, national, international guest lectures | e.g., EUC Rotterdam – Economics of Sustainability
Master Level:
- Develops Master’s level courses and projects| GID4408 Innovation for Sustainability| Policy Project in Economics and Strategy in Emerging Markets M.Sc. programme
- Supervises Master Theses in Economic, Social, Environmental, Digital and Governance Sustainability domains
- Provides Master’s level guest lectures | e.g., UCV Venlo – Health Food Innovation Management | VUB Money & Law – Sustainable Finance
Ph.D. Level:
- Develops Ph.D. level courses and lectures | UNU-MERIT/MGSoG GPAC2 PhD Green Innovation Systems | Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis | Applied Political Economy of Innovation, Governance and Policy Analysis | Tensions, Turns and Policy
- Hosts Methods and Skills Library | Q-Methodology | Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
- Develops Platforms and Toolkits | | Litoscope Accelerator v2.5
- Hosts Assignments-as-Products (APP) and Digitally Enhanced Eligible Products (DEEP) Hub: Sparks
- Activities to build glocal (online/offline) communities for sustainability | Eco-Innovation Society
- Attends local/national/international outreach events | Make SDGs Yours Maastricht |Act4GlobalGoals Maastricht| Climate Action VU Amsterdam | Climathon Brussels | …
- Develops digital platforms for scientific research collaborations and open science|