Plastics Circularity Index (PCI) – The EU Edition – addresses how EU countries perform relative to each other in their circular management of plastics and related waste products. A circular economy, encompassing plastics, is extensive and entails several actors. Therefore, PCI analyses actions undertaken by governments, businesses and consumers that stimulate the circular usage of plastics. PCI – EU Edition covers each stakeholder category with a comprehensive collection of indicators to gain an extensive view of the state of circularity in EU countries. In addition to the indicators per actor category, the index also considers country profiles on plastics and circularity. The respective PCI indicators and methodology are explained in more detail in PCI 2020 EU Edition full report.
PCI Authors & Workgroup
Adarsh Bagaria | Celine Dascarolis | Stan van Haren | Tom Muldoon Jr. | Lennart Padberg | Raul Prey |
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Plastics Circularity Index EU Edition 2020 (Excel)