Sustainability Transitions and Innovation Review (STIR) is a new initiative developed in the framework of the Innovation for Sustainable Development (Inno4SD) project ( Inno4SD is an international network providing a platform for exchange of experience and policy learning on the role of innovation for sustainable development. The network invites multiple perspectives on innovation and sustainability relevant for different countries and regions around the world.
Sustainability Transition and Innovation Reviews (STIR) framework developed by Michal Miedzinski, Will McDowall, René Kemp, and Serdar Türkeli, as a policy evaluation and appraisal toolkit, which aims to enhance measurement, assessment, evaluation and appraisal of sustainability transitions and innovations with respect to eco-innovation and eco-innovation policy in different country contexts yet within a common rationale: sustainable development.
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the STIR framework are presented in European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI), June, 2017, Vienna, Austria conference in the session titled the Content, Context and Future of STI-Policy: Towards a new Framing?
Source: Michal Miedzinski, Will McDowall, René Kemp, Serdar Türkeli (2017) An expert-based participatory evaluation of public policies for sustainability transitions , European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI), June, 2017, Vienna, Austria
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On 25th of May, 2017, the first Sustainability Transition and Innovation Reviews (STIR) Workshop, which is organized by Prof. Dr. René Kemp, Dr. Serdar Türkeli and MSc. İpek Peri Savut, is successfully held in Ankara, Turkey.
Local support
The local contact point Middle East Technical University Science and Technology Policy Research Center (METU-TEKPOL) (Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdil, Prof. Dr. Teoman Pamukcu, Dr. Yelda Erden, Muhsin Dogan, Cansu Durukan) also joined implementation of STIR.
Broad Participation
The workshop is attended by Turkey’s key experts from parliamentary committees, ministries, agencies, international organizations, chambers of industry, universities, civil society, media and independent experts. This helped support participatory policy evaluation and assessment process.
STIR framework is welcomed with great attention and high level of interest by participants, who also showed interest in tightening their positions as stakeholders in Inno4SD network after whole day long evaluation, assessment and appraisal discussions moderated by Dr. Serdar Türkeli
Tangible outputs of the workshop are frame-reflective and frame-critical expert evaluations and appraisals of sustainability transitions and innovations in Turkey to be consolidated and published in a comprehensive STIR Turkey country report.
What’s next?
STIR workshops were held in the UK, South Africa, and potentially other countries under, project, funded by European Commission under Innovation for Sustainable Development Network (, , Horizon 2020 project.
Download: STIR Workshops Report:
The inno4sd network is supported by the project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº.641974