
Read more on TransB on From adaptation and mitigation to regeneration. Transforming behaviour by changing the recursive relationship between behaviour and transition-relevant systems (TransB) | NWO
TransB is a 5-year project, funded by Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) about multiple value creation. Researchers from Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI) at Maastricht University and the Centre of Urban Studies of the University of Amsterdam investigate with water companies, KWR and municipalities possibilities for multiple value creation. The project uses design thinking to co-create options based on multi-functional thinking in four settings.
The project will generate lessons about the recursive aspects of transitions and behaviour. The project examines in a transdisciplinary way experiences and possibilities for combining functional needs such as zero-energy housing, water-based recreation, avoidance of sewage overflows and river floods, the use of grey water and re-use of (upcycled) materials.
The aims of the project are to offer actionable insights about the identification and implementation of synergistic solutions in four projects involving climate adaptation, recycling, sustainable energy, housing and citizen participation: (1) Systeem-sprong, Limburg; (2) Koppelkansen, Amsterdam; (3) Brainport Smart District, Helmond; and (4) SUPERLOCAL, Kerkrade, through reflexive interactive design (RIO). The present project allows us to strengthen the co-creation process in each of these projects and come up with recommendations for governance, co-creation guidelines for multiple value creation projects, and conducive institutional arrangements.
Methodologically novel aspects of the project are 1) the use of the arts and design thinking to enable broad participation and connect innovations to the ways in which citizens act and think 2) the use of transition experiments to learn about behaviour and system change, and 3) the attention to arrangements and structures that enhance Societal Readiness Levels for projects based on multiple value creation.
TransB started on 1 June 2020 and will run until 1 June 2025


Project leaders are René Kemp (UM), John Grin (UvA) and Michaela Hordijk (UvA).

Contact: Véronique Vasseur (Postdoc researcher) and René Kemp

A podcast about the project is


